About Sunny Services
新 暉 服 務 及 供 應 有 限 公 司 成 立 於 2002 年 ,在中國大陸、香港和澳門等地區均擁有20多年的業務。
我們一 直 以 供 應 酒 店 客 房 用 品 及 清 潔 設 備 為 主 要 業 務 。作為一家專業的清潔和酒店用品公司,我們代理了多款來自世界各地的知名系列產品。在 2004 年 本 公 司 更取 得 瑞 士 WETROK 『威 卓』 清 潔 設 備 之 中、港、澳 地 區 獨 家 銷 售 權。 『威 卓』優質的清 潔 設 備 在酒 店 業界中 享 負 盛 名 ,加上本 公 司 誠 意 為 客 戶 提 供 的專 業 意 見 及 全面的技 術 支 援, 使我們在過去多年來獲得客戶的認同。
新暉+威卓 是值得你信賴的公司和產品!
Sunny Services & Supplies Ltd. (SSSL) has been established in Hong Kong since 2002 with business activities in China, Hong Kong and Macau for more than 20 years.
Being a professional cleaning and hospitality supplies company, we are the agent of some of the well-known products from all around the world. It is with pride and great expectation that we have been appointed as the exclusive agent of WETROK Cleaning System from Switzerland since 2004. Thanks to the superb quality of Wetrok Cleaning System coupled with our professional after-sales services, we have continuously gained strong recognition from our customers during the past years.
To meet with the fast-growing market, we have extended our product range to hospitality supplies, floor matting as well as other environmental care equipment.
We look forward to working with you for a clean, green and hospitable environment.
SSSL+WETROK The company and products you can trust!
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